This article from 2005 shows that Property ID was formed in 1995 not 1976. It seems Carlos Siderman started Property ID with a fellow Argentinian Horacio Vignali. Horacio Vignali according to DEA documents was an "alleged underworld figure who boasted of trafficking in heroin." Horacio's son
Carlos Vignali was a convicted drug dealer who was sentenced to prison. He appealed twice and lost both times.
Carlos Vignali Jr convicted drug dealer pardoned by President Clinton |
His father Horacio used his wealth and connections in Los Angeles real estate to get his son pardoned in what was referred to as "pardongate" in 2001. Supposedly Horacio Vignali donated by Bob Hertzberg, Antonio Villaraigosa and Becerra. They in turned petitioned to Clinton to get Carlos Vignali pardoned. People were very upset that a major convicted drug dealer was pardoned. Even though no one wanted to have anything to do with Horacio, Carlos Siderman became his business partner. At that time it appears people knew that Horacio was most likely the drug lord supplying his son with drugs that he sold. From the article linked below,
"One former business partner of Vignali claims in court papers that he had a more unsettling experience. Carlos Siderman is the president of Property I.D., a land-research firm that investors use to evaluate industrial properties. Court records show that he and Vignali formed the company as a joint venture in 1995, and were co-owners of the building at 1001 Wilshire Boulevard until Vignali sold back his interest to Siderman in 2000. Court records also contain an account of a disturbing confrontation in 2000.
In a request for a restraining order filed on June 22, 2000, Siderman, a fellow Argentine, filed court declarations that during a business dispute in their conference room on June 21, 2000, Vignali became enraged and punched him in the ribs, forced him to the floor and threatened his life and that of his family. A month later, Siderman filed a civil complaint for damages. In court declarations in August 2000, he stated: “I declined to agree with Mr. Vignali regarding a specific business matter, at which point he became very agitated. He rose from his chair and began yelling profanities only inches from my face. He then proceeded to threaten my life and the lives and well-being of my family, yelling ‘I am going to kill you and your whole family. You don’t know who you are fucking with.’ I suggested that we end the meeting and consult our respective attorneys. Mr. Vignali responded by yelling, ‘I don’t need a lawyer. I’m going to solve it my way. I’ll just fucking kill you.’ ”
Siderman filed a preliminary complaint with the police and received emergency medical attention, court records show. Two of Siderman’s employees filed court declarations stating that they witnessed the elder Vignali standing over the fallen Siderman, fists clenched. They stated that the elder Vignali sometimes carried a gun. However, neither employee witnessed the alleged punch in the ribs or the alleged threats. Vignali filed court declarations stating that he suspected Siderman of bilking the company, and when he confronted him an argument ensued. Vignali stated that Siderman threw himself against the wall and feigned injury. He denied making any threats. Vignali also stated he has a license to carry a gun, which he does on rare occasions when he is carrying large amounts of cash related to his businesses. The elder Vignali then filed a counter-lawsuit for slander. The entire matter was settled out of court under a confidentiality agreement, according to attorneys for Siderman and Vignali. R. Jeffery Ward, an attorney for Vignali, says he believes Siderman filed a civil action to give him leverage in a pending business dispute. “It’s like a spouse anticipating divorce, usually the woman, who files a complaint that she’s been battered,” Ward says. Reached for comment, Siderman asked for a written request for an interview. He never responded to the request submitted by the Weekly.
Despite the falling out, Siderman and Vignali once had grand plans together. In 1994, before construction began for Staples Center, Siderman was pushing a plan to bring gambling to downtown Los Angeles, according to a story in the Times’ Sunday edition on September 11, 1994. The idea that the Convention Center needed a luxury hotel to attract more visitors was not new, yet the idea of a hotel-casino surfaced briefly before falling by the wayside. Public records indicate Vignali was president of a company called Convention Center Entertainment Complex. According to the Times story, he had hired Siderman, the president of City Midland Development Company, to lobby for changes in the law that would allow for a casino. Siderman proposed a three-phase project for a “mega-center of entertainment” on property owned by Vignali, the Times reported.
Experienced real estate developers and city officials now say the plan was never taken seriously. It encompassed 345,000 square feet of property bounded by Figueroa and Flower streets and Pico and Venice boulevards — some of which Horacio Vignali still owns. Then-councilmen Mike Hernandez and Richard Alatorre were in favor of the plan. Alatorre told the Times, “Gambling is a fact of life . . . People that want to gamble are going to gamble, so why not benefit from it?”
Carlos Siderman's business partner Horatio Vignali was considered to be a major drug dealer and most likely his son Carlos Vignali's supplier.
"Federal agents for more than 20 years suspected that a wealthy Los Angeles businessman, who recruited top Southern California law enforcement officials to persuade President Clinton to free his cocaine-dealing son, was involved in drug trafficking.
Horacio Vignali gained national attention last year as the dedicated father who successfully enlisted Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca, former U.S. Atty. Alejandro Mayorkas and a host of elected officials in a longshot bid to win the early release of his son. Clinton eventually freed Carlos Vignali, who had served six years of a 15-year sentence for dealing kilos of cocaine.
A congressional inquiry into pardons and commutations granted by Clinton on his last day in office turned up confidential federal law enforcement reports containing unproven allegations that the elder Vignali also was in the cocaine business. One informant told the federal Drug Enforcement Administration that Vignali was his son's supplier."
The below article is four pages. Click next on the bottom or you will miss the important last three pages. You will see that
convicted criminal George Torres of Numero Uno markets was friends, partners with Horacio Vignali. They were both named in reports about major drug dealing. Carlos Siderman must have known about Horacio Vignali's true business.
Carlos Siderman in 1994 wanted to bring gambling to downtown Los Angeles with his partner Horacio Vignali. Fortunately politicians did not approve of gambling in Los Angeles.
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