It was supposed to have run a few weeks ago but was bumped by another story. I will post the date it will be on TV. I've been told one of the tigers is on the site with the family and their lawyer David Casselman. David Casselman is the number one animal rights attorneys in the US.
Isis Preservation website
Tiger Sanctuary Malibu YouTube channel
Tiger Sanctuary Malibu blog
Tiger Sanctuary Malibu Twitter
Isis Preservation, Irena Hauser, conditional use permit, cup, Ventura County Planning Department, Commission, hearing, tiger, sanctuary, malibu, 11077 pacific view, california, negative declaration, commissioner, michael wesner, stephen onstot, board of supervisors,,, tigersanctuarymalibu, paul magie, nora aidukas, richard rodriguez, w. stephen onstot, steve bennett, linda parks, kathy long, peter foy, john zaragoza, peter c foy, john c zaragoza, zoning, planning, public comment, lawsuit, sophia krszek, white tiger, russian, usda 93-c-0762, tujunga, fish, wildlife, permit, license, PL13-0011, exhibit, television, movies, film, trainer, experienced
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Appeal hearing before the Board of Supervisors today
We will be posting video from the appeal hearing today at the Board of Supervisors as soon as it is available.
Before the meeting started the lobbyist most likely paid by Lisa Siderman named Cheline Lundin put stickers on 2/3 of the chairs in the room. This caused there not to be enough room for Isis Preservation supporters to fit in the room. Some sat outside in the lobby and viewed the meeting on the tv screens.
Before the meeting an elderly woman with white hair came over to the supporters side and said "No tigers! No Russians!!!" directly in the face of Irena, Sophia and their lawyers. This same person whom I will name when I am 100% positive of her name then confronted a supporter physically. Security had to repeatedly warn this old white hair woman to control herself or she would be ejected and could be jailed. Before the hearing in the lobby these people stated that "someone should pick them off with a sharp shooter," "these people will never be our neighbor." During the meeting they stated that people might "cut open the cages and free the tigers."
At a previous hearing Planning Commissioner stated she would be able to see the roof of the enclosure from the Serrano horse trail. This was a bold face lie. There is no place on the trail where one could see the roof. Today Lisa Siderman showed photos stating you could see the side of the house from 1.2 miles away and below the structure. This proves Commissioner Nora Audukis lied when she stated she'd be able to see the roof. The side of the house will always be visible no matter if there are enclosures or not. The Hausers offered to put camoflague netting and add more trees need be.
Many other similar and very disgusting things happened before the hearing and afterward. These included falsified emails, defamation, libel, slander, threats to children and much much more.
One interesting thing came up today. It turns out Irena is an aerospace engineer who graduated from UCLA cum laude. She worked on the docking mechanism of the Space Shuttle. More tomorrow.
We do not know the plans of Isis Preservation at this time. We do know that one must appeal a Planning Commission decision to the Board of Supervisors. The BOP are voted in. They are not appointed. Therefore the BOP would want to do what what most people in Ventura county who can vote want to do. The case cannot be appealed to the State level until after it's appealed and denied by the BOP.
One last interesting thing was that the eight year old son of a supporter noted today that the detractor's logo is in fact a double negative. This means their logo actually means "yes, tigers."
Ventura County Star article about the meeting
Isis Preservation website
Tiger Sanctuary Malibu YouTube channel
Tiger Sanctuary Malibu blog
Tiger Sanctuary Malibu Twitter
Isis Preservation, Irena Hauser, conditional use permit, cup, Ventura County Planning Department, Commission, hearing, tiger, sanctuary, malibu, 11077 pacific view, california, negative declaration, commissioner, michael wesner, stephen onstot, board of supervisors,,, tigersanctuarymalibu, paul magie, nora aidukas, richard rodriguez, w. stephen onstot, steve bennett, linda parks, kathy long, peter foy, john zaragoza, peter c foy, john c zaragoza, zoning, planning, public comment, lawsuit, sophia krszek, white tiger, russian, usda 93-c-0762, tujunga, fish, wildlife, permit, license, PL13-0011, exhibit, television, movies, film, trainer, experienced
Before the meeting started the lobbyist most likely paid by Lisa Siderman named Cheline Lundin put stickers on 2/3 of the chairs in the room. This caused there not to be enough room for Isis Preservation supporters to fit in the room. Some sat outside in the lobby and viewed the meeting on the tv screens.
Before the meeting an elderly woman with white hair came over to the supporters side and said "No tigers! No Russians!!!" directly in the face of Irena, Sophia and their lawyers. This same person whom I will name when I am 100% positive of her name then confronted a supporter physically. Security had to repeatedly warn this old white hair woman to control herself or she would be ejected and could be jailed. Before the hearing in the lobby these people stated that "someone should pick them off with a sharp shooter," "these people will never be our neighbor." During the meeting they stated that people might "cut open the cages and free the tigers."
At a previous hearing Planning Commissioner stated she would be able to see the roof of the enclosure from the Serrano horse trail. This was a bold face lie. There is no place on the trail where one could see the roof. Today Lisa Siderman showed photos stating you could see the side of the house from 1.2 miles away and below the structure. This proves Commissioner Nora Audukis lied when she stated she'd be able to see the roof. The side of the house will always be visible no matter if there are enclosures or not. The Hausers offered to put camoflague netting and add more trees need be.
Many other similar and very disgusting things happened before the hearing and afterward. These included falsified emails, defamation, libel, slander, threats to children and much much more.
One interesting thing came up today. It turns out Irena is an aerospace engineer who graduated from UCLA cum laude. She worked on the docking mechanism of the Space Shuttle. More tomorrow.
We do not know the plans of Isis Preservation at this time. We do know that one must appeal a Planning Commission decision to the Board of Supervisors. The BOP are voted in. They are not appointed. Therefore the BOP would want to do what what most people in Ventura county who can vote want to do. The case cannot be appealed to the State level until after it's appealed and denied by the BOP.
One last interesting thing was that the eight year old son of a supporter noted today that the detractor's logo is in fact a double negative. This means their logo actually means "yes, tigers."
Malibu, white, tigers, irena hauser, sophia, |
Isis Preservation website
Tiger Sanctuary Malibu YouTube channel
Tiger Sanctuary Malibu blog
Tiger Sanctuary Malibu Twitter
Isis Preservation, Irena Hauser, conditional use permit, cup, Ventura County Planning Department, Commission, hearing, tiger, sanctuary, malibu, 11077 pacific view, california, negative declaration, commissioner, michael wesner, stephen onstot, board of supervisors,,, tigersanctuarymalibu, paul magie, nora aidukas, richard rodriguez, w. stephen onstot, steve bennett, linda parks, kathy long, peter foy, john zaragoza, peter c foy, john c zaragoza, zoning, planning, public comment, lawsuit, sophia krszek, white tiger, russian, usda 93-c-0762, tujunga, fish, wildlife, permit, license, PL13-0011, exhibit, television, movies, film, trainer, experienced
Monday, June 9, 2014
Carlos Siderman article from Save Our Oak Trees Foundation
We were emailed the below last night from Save Our Oak Trees Foundation. Here is the original link.

Isis Preservation website
Tiger Sanctuary Malibu YouTube channel
Tiger Sanctuary Malibu blog
Tiger Sanctuary Malibu Twitter
Isis Preservation, Irena Hauser, conditional use permit, cup, Ventura County Planning Department, Commission, hearing, tiger, sanctuary, malibu, 11077 pacific view, california, negative declaration, commissioner, michael wesner, stephen onstot, board of supervisors,,, tigersanctuarymalibu, paul magie, nora aidukas, richard rodriguez, w. stephen onstot, steve bennett, linda parks, kathy long, peter foy, john zaragoza, peter c foy, john c zaragoza, zoning, planning, public comment, lawsuit, sophia krszek, white tiger, russian, usda 93-c-0762, tujunga, fish, wildlife, permit, license, PL13-0011, exhibit, television, movies, film, trainer, experienced
Carlos Siderman, Property ID illegally bulldozed protected creek, oak trees, coastal zone
by Save Our Oak Trees
Sunday Jun 8th, 2014 6:46 PM
Sunday Jun 8th, 2014 6:46 PM
Carlos Siderman President of Property ID and Deer Creek Ranch Malibu was reported by multiple individuals to government agencies for illegally bulldozing a protected creek and oak trees in the Coastal Zone in Malibu, California. Carlos Siderman is currently under investigation by Ventura County planning, zoning and the coastal commission.

Through the results of State Information Act Requests it was revealed that multiple individuals have reported Carlos Siderman to authorities for bulldozing a protected creek and oak trees. Carlos Siderman was reported December 2013, March 2014 and on other dates. Carlos Siderman was also reported for running an illegal business on the same residential property. In order to run a business in a residential zone he would need a conditional use permit which he does not have.
The December 2013 complaint CV13-0505 states Carlos Siderman "Brush or vegetation removal (oak trees)and grading without required planned development permits." (pdf )
March 2014 another complaint was made for "illegal removal of oak trees, bulldozing a running creek on protected coastal zone, running a business in a residential zone without a conditional use permit and illegal signs." (5 MB pdf )
Carlos Siderman currently runs Deer Creek Ranch Malibu from a residence located at 10995 Pacific View Drive, Malibu California 90265. Deer Creek Ranch breeds, sells, boards, horses, goats and ducks besides offering horse rides off trail in the Santa Monica mountains to prospective horse buyers. ( )
Neighbors believe that Carlos Siderman bulldozed the creek so he could ride his horses across his neighbor's property and into the protected Santa Monica mountains. Carlos Siderman and his wife Lisa Siderman have been seen riding on this illegally created horse trail into the protected Santa Monica mountains off trail.
Earlier this year Carlos Siderman and his wife Lisa Siderman paid a lobbyist to try to harass their neighbor into moving. It seems Carlos Siderman has eyed his neighbor's property for many years so he can go across it to access the Santa Monica mountains on his horses. He also wants to have prospective horse buyers ride on these same off trail areas.
While investigating this land situation the true history Carlos Siderman has come to light. He and his business Property ID were sued by the Department of Justice, Department of Housing Urban Development and class action plaintiffs for violations of Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 ("RESPA"). Carlos Siderman was found guilty of giving illegal kick backs in real estate transactions. HUD forced Carlos Siderman to pay a $7.5M fine which is disgorgement of ill gotten gains.
"WHEREAS, RESPA § 2607(a) prohibits the giving or accepting of any fee,
kickback, or thing of value pursuant to any agreement or understanding, oral or
otherwise, that business incident to or part of a real estate settlement service
involving a federally related mortgage loan shall be referred to any person, and
§ 2607(b) prohibits the giving or accepting of any portion, split, or percentage of
any charge made or received for the rendering of a real estate settlement service
involving a federally related mortgage loan other than for services actually
"WHEREAS, Property I.D. has agreed to pay $7,500,000, which will be
allocated among the three Berger settlement classes described above and which
will be available to pay Property I.D.’s NHDS report customers (hereinafter the
"Class Settlement")."
Full settlement agreement is below. Carlos Siderman, Property ID were sued in a class action by people who had bought their hazard information. ( )
Because the illegal kickbacks, false advertising, unfair trade practices came to light his son left Property ID and started his own company. His son Sergio Siderman was then forced to sue his father Carlos Siderman for unfair and unlawful competition, defamation per se, trade libel, misappropriation of trade secrets, malicious prosecution, conversion, tortious interference with prospective economic advantage and false advertising. (pdf ) ( )
In that lawsuit Carlos Siderman's ex wife Mirta and his son Sergio made sworn declarations against Carlos Siderman. Mirta stated that Carlos Siderman lied when he said he started Property ID in 1974. Carlos did not even arrive in the United States until 1976. He started Property ID in 1994 twenty years later. (pdf )
Carlos Siderman's son Sergio also made a statement. Sergio Siderman states he worked at Property ID with his father Carlos Siderman from 1993 to 2007. I believe he meant 1995. Carlos Siderman fired his son when his son questioned certain business transactions and policies. After Carlos fired his son he defamed him. Sergio started his new business and Carlos tried to destroy it by defaming Sergio. Carlos went so far and so low as to send a defamatory flyer about Sergio's business to his clients. Sergio claims that Property ID made no profits in 2006 and 2007.
Sergio Siderman stated that Carlos Siderman lied when he said he is a lawyer. In actuality Carlos Siderman does not have a college or law degree. He most certainly never passed the bar. Sergio Siderman states that Carlos Siderman forged a law degree and hung it on his office wall. Carlos Siderman for many years at many public business events held himself out to be an attorney but he is not. (pdf )
While researching further it was uncovered that Carlos Siderman's business partner in 1995 was none other than Horatio Vignali whom the LAPD and DEA suspected of being a major drug lord for over 20 years.
( ) Horatio Vignali's son Carlos Vignali was a convited drug dealer who was ultimately pardoned by Clinton in what is now known as "pardongate." ( )
Please, contact Ventura County Planning, the Coastal Commission, County of Ventura Compliance Division, Santa Monica Mountain Conservancy to express your displeasure at the bulldozing of a protected creek and protected oak trees in our sensitive coastal zone.
More information about this situation can be found here. Author is not related to this blog but found the materials in this blog. Author is only interested in the illegal destruction of protected creek and oak trees.
The December 2013 complaint CV13-0505 states Carlos Siderman "Brush or vegetation removal (oak trees)and grading without required planned development permits." (pdf )
March 2014 another complaint was made for "illegal removal of oak trees, bulldozing a running creek on protected coastal zone, running a business in a residential zone without a conditional use permit and illegal signs." (5 MB pdf )
Carlos Siderman currently runs Deer Creek Ranch Malibu from a residence located at 10995 Pacific View Drive, Malibu California 90265. Deer Creek Ranch breeds, sells, boards, horses, goats and ducks besides offering horse rides off trail in the Santa Monica mountains to prospective horse buyers. ( )
Neighbors believe that Carlos Siderman bulldozed the creek so he could ride his horses across his neighbor's property and into the protected Santa Monica mountains. Carlos Siderman and his wife Lisa Siderman have been seen riding on this illegally created horse trail into the protected Santa Monica mountains off trail.
Earlier this year Carlos Siderman and his wife Lisa Siderman paid a lobbyist to try to harass their neighbor into moving. It seems Carlos Siderman has eyed his neighbor's property for many years so he can go across it to access the Santa Monica mountains on his horses. He also wants to have prospective horse buyers ride on these same off trail areas.
While investigating this land situation the true history Carlos Siderman has come to light. He and his business Property ID were sued by the Department of Justice, Department of Housing Urban Development and class action plaintiffs for violations of Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 ("RESPA"). Carlos Siderman was found guilty of giving illegal kick backs in real estate transactions. HUD forced Carlos Siderman to pay a $7.5M fine which is disgorgement of ill gotten gains.
"WHEREAS, RESPA § 2607(a) prohibits the giving or accepting of any fee,
kickback, or thing of value pursuant to any agreement or understanding, oral or
otherwise, that business incident to or part of a real estate settlement service
involving a federally related mortgage loan shall be referred to any person, and
§ 2607(b) prohibits the giving or accepting of any portion, split, or percentage of
any charge made or received for the rendering of a real estate settlement service
involving a federally related mortgage loan other than for services actually
"WHEREAS, Property I.D. has agreed to pay $7,500,000, which will be
allocated among the three Berger settlement classes described above and which
will be available to pay Property I.D.’s NHDS report customers (hereinafter the
"Class Settlement")."
Full settlement agreement is below. Carlos Siderman, Property ID were sued in a class action by people who had bought their hazard information. ( )
Because the illegal kickbacks, false advertising, unfair trade practices came to light his son left Property ID and started his own company. His son Sergio Siderman was then forced to sue his father Carlos Siderman for unfair and unlawful competition, defamation per se, trade libel, misappropriation of trade secrets, malicious prosecution, conversion, tortious interference with prospective economic advantage and false advertising. (pdf ) ( )
In that lawsuit Carlos Siderman's ex wife Mirta and his son Sergio made sworn declarations against Carlos Siderman. Mirta stated that Carlos Siderman lied when he said he started Property ID in 1974. Carlos did not even arrive in the United States until 1976. He started Property ID in 1994 twenty years later. (pdf )
Carlos Siderman's son Sergio also made a statement. Sergio Siderman states he worked at Property ID with his father Carlos Siderman from 1993 to 2007. I believe he meant 1995. Carlos Siderman fired his son when his son questioned certain business transactions and policies. After Carlos fired his son he defamed him. Sergio started his new business and Carlos tried to destroy it by defaming Sergio. Carlos went so far and so low as to send a defamatory flyer about Sergio's business to his clients. Sergio claims that Property ID made no profits in 2006 and 2007.
Sergio Siderman stated that Carlos Siderman lied when he said he is a lawyer. In actuality Carlos Siderman does not have a college or law degree. He most certainly never passed the bar. Sergio Siderman states that Carlos Siderman forged a law degree and hung it on his office wall. Carlos Siderman for many years at many public business events held himself out to be an attorney but he is not. (pdf )
While researching further it was uncovered that Carlos Siderman's business partner in 1995 was none other than Horatio Vignali whom the LAPD and DEA suspected of being a major drug lord for over 20 years.
( ) Horatio Vignali's son Carlos Vignali was a convited drug dealer who was ultimately pardoned by Clinton in what is now known as "pardongate." ( )
Please, contact Ventura County Planning, the Coastal Commission, County of Ventura Compliance Division, Santa Monica Mountain Conservancy to express your displeasure at the bulldozing of a protected creek and protected oak trees in our sensitive coastal zone.
More information about this situation can be found here. Author is not related to this blog but found the materials in this blog. Author is only interested in the illegal destruction of protected creek and oak trees.
Isis Preservation website
Tiger Sanctuary Malibu YouTube channel
Tiger Sanctuary Malibu blog
Tiger Sanctuary Malibu Twitter
Isis Preservation, Irena Hauser, conditional use permit, cup, Ventura County Planning Department, Commission, hearing, tiger, sanctuary, malibu, 11077 pacific view, california, negative declaration, commissioner, michael wesner, stephen onstot, board of supervisors,,, tigersanctuarymalibu, paul magie, nora aidukas, richard rodriguez, w. stephen onstot, steve bennett, linda parks, kathy long, peter foy, john zaragoza, peter c foy, john c zaragoza, zoning, planning, public comment, lawsuit, sophia krszek, white tiger, russian, usda 93-c-0762, tujunga, fish, wildlife, permit, license, PL13-0011, exhibit, television, movies, film, trainer, experienced
Monday, June 2, 2014
Lawsuits against Carlos Siderman, Property ID - Deer Creek Ranch Malibu
Through the course of litigation it is discovered that Carlos Siderman has been lying about when Property ID first originated. Carlos Siderman claimed he started it in 1974. He actually started it with a partner in 1995 over two decades later. That partner is later revealed to have been a suspected drug lord. If the DEA and LAPD knew his partner was a drug lord, I would assume Carlos Siderman knew as well.
Carlos Siderman, Property ID sued by his son Sergio Siderman for unfair and unlawful competition, defamation per se, trade libel, misappropriation of trade secrets, malicious prosecution, conversion, tortious interference with prospective economic advantage, false advertising.
In this same statement Carlos Siderman's son Sergio Siderman makes a statement. Sergio Siderman states he worked at Property ID with his father Carlos Siderman from 1993 to 2007. I believe he meant 1994. Carlos Siderman fired his son when his son questioned certain business transactions and policies. After Carlos fired his son he defamed him. Sergio started his new business and Carlos tried to destroy it by defaming Sergio. Carlos went so far and so low to send a defamatory flyer about Sergio's business to his clients. Sergio claims that Property ID made no profits in 2006 and 2007.
Sergio Siderman stated that Carlos Siderman lied when he said he is a lawyer. In actuality Carlos Siderman does not have a college or law degree. He most certainly never passed the bar. Sergio Siderman states that Carlos Siderman forged a law degree and hung it on his wall. Carlos Siderman for many years at many public business events held himself out to be an attorney but he is not.
Carlos Siderman hired an attorney to find plaintiffs to file a frivolous and meritless class action lawsuits against all his competitors. That lawsuit was dismissed as frivolous but unfortunately all the competitors were forced out of business by the false charges. Carlos Siderman also falsely claimed they were the oldest property disclosure business. That is totally untrue.
When it was revealed that Property ID was started in 1994 and not 1976, Carlos Siderman corrected the falsity in Property ID's website. Very recently he has changed the origination date back to 1976. Below is an image of the page from today.
Below is a copy of the true corporation ID number and origination date. Property ID was formed in 1994 not 1976.
More lawsuits
Even more lawsuits against Property ID
and more
Isis Preservation website
Tiger Sanctuary Malibu YouTube channel
Tiger Sanctuary Malibu blog
Tiger Sanctuary Malibu Twitter
Isis Preservation, Irena Hauser, conditional use permit, cup, Ventura County Planning Department, Commission, hearing, tiger, sanctuary, malibu, 11077 pacific view, california, negative declaration, commissioner, michael wesner, stephen onstot, board of supervisors,,, tigersanctuarymalibu, paul magie, nora aidukas, richard rodriguez, w. stephen onstot, steve bennett, linda parks, kathy long, peter foy, john zaragoza, peter c foy, john c zaragoza, zoning, planning, public comment, lawsuit, sophia krszek, white tiger, russian, usda 93-c-0762, tujunga, fish, wildlife, permit, license, PL13-0011, exhibit, television, movies, film, trainer, experienced
Carlos Siderman, Property ID sued by his son Sergio Siderman for unfair and unlawful competition, defamation per se, trade libel, misappropriation of trade secrets, malicious prosecution, conversion, tortious interference with prospective economic advantage, false advertising.
![]() |
Carlos Siderman, Property ID, Deer Creek Ranch Malibu, lawsuit, false advertising, defamation |
Mirta Siderman Carlos Siderman's ex-wife writes a declaration against Carlos Siderman. In her declaration she states Carlos Siderman did not start Property ID in 1974 but in 1994. Corporation documents show it was started in 1995. Mirta Siderman states she was married to Carlos Sider from 1971 to 1994. He was involved in construction and steel doors before 1994. Carlos Siderman did not even arrive in the US until 1976.
![]() |
Carlos Siderman, Property ID, Deer Creek Ranch Malibu, lawsuit, false advertising, defamation |
In this same statement Carlos Siderman's son Sergio Siderman makes a statement. Sergio Siderman states he worked at Property ID with his father Carlos Siderman from 1993 to 2007. I believe he meant 1994. Carlos Siderman fired his son when his son questioned certain business transactions and policies. After Carlos fired his son he defamed him. Sergio started his new business and Carlos tried to destroy it by defaming Sergio. Carlos went so far and so low to send a defamatory flyer about Sergio's business to his clients. Sergio claims that Property ID made no profits in 2006 and 2007.
Sergio Siderman stated that Carlos Siderman lied when he said he is a lawyer. In actuality Carlos Siderman does not have a college or law degree. He most certainly never passed the bar. Sergio Siderman states that Carlos Siderman forged a law degree and hung it on his wall. Carlos Siderman for many years at many public business events held himself out to be an attorney but he is not.
Carlos Siderman, Property ID, not an attorney, no college degree |
![]() |
Carlos Siderman, Property ID, lawsuit, Sergio Siderman, hazard, insurance, fraud, false advertising |
Carlos Siderman, Property ID lies about origination date. It is not 1976 but 1994. |
Below is a copy of the true corporation ID number and origination date. Property ID was formed in 1994 not 1976.
Carlos Siderman, Property ID 1994 not 1976 |
Civil Results | |||||||||
Party Name ![]() | Court | Case | NOS | Date Filed | Date Closed | ||||
1 | Siderman, Carlos (cd) | cacdce | 2:2007-cv-03154 | 790 | 05/14/2007 | 07/09/2007 | |||
2 | Siderman, Carlos (cd) | cacdce | 2:2008-cv-00696 | 110 | 02/01/2008 | 02/10/2009 | |||
3 | Siderman, Carlos (pla) | cacdce | 2:1982-cv-01772 | 890 | 04/12/1982 | 09/13/1996 | |||
4 | Siderman, Carlos (pla) | cacdce | 2:2007-cv-01028 | 190 | 02/14/2007 | 02/21/2012 | |||
5 | Siderman, Carlos (pla) | cacdce | 2:2008-cv-00696 | 110 | 02/01/2008 | 02/10/2009 | |||
6 | Siderman, Carlos A. (dft) | gandce | 1:1987-cv-01698 | 190 | 07/29/1987 | 07/20/1988 |
Appellate Results | |||||||||
Party Name ![]() | Court | Case | NOS | Date Filed | Date Closed | ||||
7 | Siderman, Carlos (pty) | 09cae | 93-15819 | 0 | 05/06/1993 | 02/11/1994 | |||
8 | Siderman, Carlos (pty) | 09cae | 95-55506 | 3890 | 04/14/1995 | 07/20/1995 | |||
9 | Siderman, Carlos (pty) | 09cae | 09-55364 | 4110 | 03/12/2009 | 04/26/2010 |
Even more lawsuits against Property ID
Civil Results | |||||||||
Party Name ![]() | Court | Case | NOS | Date Filed | Date Closed | ||||
1 | Property ID Affiliates 1 LLC (dft) | cacdce | 2:2005-cv-05373 | 890 | 07/25/2005 | 01/28/2009 | |||
2 | Property ID Affiliates LLC (dft) | cacdce | 2:2007-cv-00288 | 110 | 01/11/2007 | 10/18/2007 | |||
3 | Property ID Associates LLC (dft) | cacdce | 2:2005-cv-05373 | 890 | 07/25/2005 | 01/28/2009 | |||
4 | Property ID Associates LLC (dft) | cacdce | 2:2007-cv-00288 | 110 | 01/11/2007 | 10/18/2007 | |||
5 | Property ID California LLC (dft) | cacdce | 2:2005-cv-05373 | 890 | 07/25/2005 | 01/28/2009 | |||
6 | Property ID California LLC (dft) | cacdce | 2:2007-cv-00288 | 110 | 01/11/2007 | 10/18/2007 | |||
7 | Property ID Corporation (cd) | cacdce | 2:2007-cv-01028 | 190 | 02/14/2007 | 02/21/2012 | |||
8 | Property ID Corporation (cd) | cacdce | 2:2007-cv-03154 | 790 | 05/14/2007 | 07/09/2007 | |||
9 | Property ID Corporation (dft) | cacdce | 2:2005-cv-05373 | 890 | 07/25/2005 | 01/28/2009 | |||
10 | Property ID Corporation (dft) | cacdce | 2:2006-cv-05627 | 190 | 09/07/2006 | 03/01/2007 | |||
11 | Property ID Corporation (dft) | cacdce | 2:2007-cv-00288 | 110 | 01/11/2007 | 10/18/2007 | |||
12 | Property ID Corporation (pla) | cacdce | 2:2007-cv-01028 | 190 | 02/14/2007 | 02/21/2012 | |||
13 | Property ID Corporation (pla) | cacdce | 2:2007-cv-03154 | 790 | 05/14/2007 | 07/09/2007 | |||
14 | Property ID of California Inc (dft) | cacdce | 2:2005-cv-05373 | 890 | 07/25/2005 | 01/28/2009 |
and more
Appellate Results | |||||||||
Party Name ![]() | Court | Case | NOS | Date Filed | Date Closed | ||||
117 | Property ID Affiliates 1, LLC (pty) | 09cae | 09-55278 | 3890 | 02/25/2009 | 06/23/2009 | |||
118 | Property ID Associates, LLC (pty) | 09cae | 09-55278 | 3890 | 02/25/2009 | 06/23/2009 | |||
119 | Property ID California, LLC (pty) | 09cae | 09-55278 | 3890 | 02/25/2009 | 06/23/2009 | |||
120 | Property ID Corporation (pty) | 09cae | 09-55278 | 3890 | 02/25/2009 | 06/23/2009 | |||
121 | Property ID of California, Inc. (pty) | 09cae | 09-55278 | 3890 | 02/25/2009 | 06/23/2009 |
Isis Preservation website
Tiger Sanctuary Malibu YouTube channel
Tiger Sanctuary Malibu blog
Tiger Sanctuary Malibu Twitter
Isis Preservation, Irena Hauser, conditional use permit, cup, Ventura County Planning Department, Commission, hearing, tiger, sanctuary, malibu, 11077 pacific view, california, negative declaration, commissioner, michael wesner, stephen onstot, board of supervisors,,, tigersanctuarymalibu, paul magie, nora aidukas, richard rodriguez, w. stephen onstot, steve bennett, linda parks, kathy long, peter foy, john zaragoza, peter c foy, john c zaragoza, zoning, planning, public comment, lawsuit, sophia krszek, white tiger, russian, usda 93-c-0762, tujunga, fish, wildlife, permit, license, PL13-0011, exhibit, television, movies, film, trainer, experienced
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Carlos Siderman's murky past, ex business associate Horacio Vignali, Property ID, Deer Creek Ranch Malibu
This article from 2005 shows that Property ID was formed in 1995 not 1976. It seems Carlos Siderman started Property ID with a fellow Argentinian Horacio Vignali. Horacio Vignali according to DEA documents was an "alleged underworld figure who boasted of trafficking in heroin." Horacio's son Carlos Vignali was a convicted drug dealer who was sentenced to prison. He appealed twice and lost both times.
His father Horacio used his wealth and connections in Los Angeles real estate to get his son pardoned in what was referred to as "pardongate" in 2001. Supposedly Horacio Vignali donated by Bob Hertzberg, Antonio Villaraigosa and Becerra. They in turned petitioned to Clinton to get Carlos Vignali pardoned. People were very upset that a major convicted drug dealer was pardoned. Even though no one wanted to have anything to do with Horacio, Carlos Siderman became his business partner. At that time it appears people knew that Horacio was most likely the drug lord supplying his son with drugs that he sold. From the article linked below,
"One former business partner of Vignali claims in court papers that he had a more unsettling experience. Carlos Siderman is the president of Property I.D., a land-research firm that investors use to evaluate industrial properties. Court records show that he and Vignali formed the company as a joint venture in 1995, and were co-owners of the building at 1001 Wilshire Boulevard until Vignali sold back his interest to Siderman in 2000. Court records also contain an account of a disturbing confrontation in 2000.
In a request for a restraining order filed on June 22, 2000, Siderman, a fellow Argentine, filed court declarations that during a business dispute in their conference room on June 21, 2000, Vignali became enraged and punched him in the ribs, forced him to the floor and threatened his life and that of his family. A month later, Siderman filed a civil complaint for damages. In court declarations in August 2000, he stated: “I declined to agree with Mr. Vignali regarding a specific business matter, at which point he became very agitated. He rose from his chair and began yelling profanities only inches from my face. He then proceeded to threaten my life and the lives and well-being of my family, yelling ‘I am going to kill you and your whole family. You don’t know who you are fucking with.’ I suggested that we end the meeting and consult our respective attorneys. Mr. Vignali responded by yelling, ‘I don’t need a lawyer. I’m going to solve it my way. I’ll just fucking kill you.’ ”
Siderman filed a preliminary complaint with the police and received emergency medical attention, court records show. Two of Siderman’s employees filed court declarations stating that they witnessed the elder Vignali standing over the fallen Siderman, fists clenched. They stated that the elder Vignali sometimes carried a gun. However, neither employee witnessed the alleged punch in the ribs or the alleged threats. Vignali filed court declarations stating that he suspected Siderman of bilking the company, and when he confronted him an argument ensued. Vignali stated that Siderman threw himself against the wall and feigned injury. He denied making any threats. Vignali also stated he has a license to carry a gun, which he does on rare occasions when he is carrying large amounts of cash related to his businesses. The elder Vignali then filed a counter-lawsuit for slander. The entire matter was settled out of court under a confidentiality agreement, according to attorneys for Siderman and Vignali. R. Jeffery Ward, an attorney for Vignali, says he believes Siderman filed a civil action to give him leverage in a pending business dispute. “It’s like a spouse anticipating divorce, usually the woman, who files a complaint that she’s been battered,” Ward says. Reached for comment, Siderman asked for a written request for an interview. He never responded to the request submitted by the Weekly.
Despite the falling out, Siderman and Vignali once had grand plans together. In 1994, before construction began for Staples Center, Siderman was pushing a plan to bring gambling to downtown Los Angeles, according to a story in the Times’ Sunday edition on September 11, 1994. The idea that the Convention Center needed a luxury hotel to attract more visitors was not new, yet the idea of a hotel-casino surfaced briefly before falling by the wayside. Public records indicate Vignali was president of a company called Convention Center Entertainment Complex. According to the Times story, he had hired Siderman, the president of City Midland Development Company, to lobby for changes in the law that would allow for a casino. Siderman proposed a three-phase project for a “mega-center of entertainment” on property owned by Vignali, the Times reported.
Experienced real estate developers and city officials now say the plan was never taken seriously. It encompassed 345,000 square feet of property bounded by Figueroa and Flower streets and Pico and Venice boulevards — some of which Horacio Vignali still owns. Then-councilmen Mike Hernandez and Richard Alatorre were in favor of the plan. Alatorre told the Times, “Gambling is a fact of life . . . People that want to gamble are going to gamble, so why not benefit from it?”
Carlos Siderman's business partner Horatio Vignali was considered to be a major drug dealer and most likely his son Carlos Vignali's supplier.
"Federal agents for more than 20 years suspected that a wealthy Los Angeles businessman, who recruited top Southern California law enforcement officials to persuade President Clinton to free his cocaine-dealing son, was involved in drug trafficking.
Horacio Vignali gained national attention last year as the dedicated father who successfully enlisted Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca, former U.S. Atty. Alejandro Mayorkas and a host of elected officials in a longshot bid to win the early release of his son. Clinton eventually freed Carlos Vignali, who had served six years of a 15-year sentence for dealing kilos of cocaine.
A congressional inquiry into pardons and commutations granted by Clinton on his last day in office turned up confidential federal law enforcement reports containing unproven allegations that the elder Vignali also was in the cocaine business. One informant told the federal Drug Enforcement Administration that Vignali was his son's supplier."
The below article is four pages. Click next on the bottom or you will miss the important last three pages. You will see that convicted criminal George Torres of Numero Uno markets was friends, partners with Horacio Vignali. They were both named in reports about major drug dealing. Carlos Siderman must have known about Horacio Vignali's true business.
Carlos Siderman in 1994 wanted to bring gambling to downtown Los Angeles with his partner Horacio Vignali. Fortunately politicians did not approve of gambling in Los Angeles.
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Isis Preservation, Irena Hauser, conditional use permit, cup, Ventura County Planning Department, Commission, hearing, tiger, sanctuary, malibu, 11077 pacific view, california, negative declaration, commissioner, michael wesner, stephen onstot, board of supervisors,,, tigersanctuarymalibu, paul magie, nora aidukas, richard rodriguez, w. stephen onstot, steve bennett, linda parks, kathy long, peter foy, john zaragoza, peter c foy, john c zaragoza, zoning, planning, public comment, lawsuit, sophia krszek, white tiger, russian, usda 93-c-0762, tujunga, fish, wildlife, permit, license, PL13-0011, exhibit, television, movies, film, trainer, experienced
Carlos Vignali Jr convicted drug dealer pardoned by President Clinton |
"One former business partner of Vignali claims in court papers that he had a more unsettling experience. Carlos Siderman is the president of Property I.D., a land-research firm that investors use to evaluate industrial properties. Court records show that he and Vignali formed the company as a joint venture in 1995, and were co-owners of the building at 1001 Wilshire Boulevard until Vignali sold back his interest to Siderman in 2000. Court records also contain an account of a disturbing confrontation in 2000.
In a request for a restraining order filed on June 22, 2000, Siderman, a fellow Argentine, filed court declarations that during a business dispute in their conference room on June 21, 2000, Vignali became enraged and punched him in the ribs, forced him to the floor and threatened his life and that of his family. A month later, Siderman filed a civil complaint for damages. In court declarations in August 2000, he stated: “I declined to agree with Mr. Vignali regarding a specific business matter, at which point he became very agitated. He rose from his chair and began yelling profanities only inches from my face. He then proceeded to threaten my life and the lives and well-being of my family, yelling ‘I am going to kill you and your whole family. You don’t know who you are fucking with.’ I suggested that we end the meeting and consult our respective attorneys. Mr. Vignali responded by yelling, ‘I don’t need a lawyer. I’m going to solve it my way. I’ll just fucking kill you.’ ”
Siderman filed a preliminary complaint with the police and received emergency medical attention, court records show. Two of Siderman’s employees filed court declarations stating that they witnessed the elder Vignali standing over the fallen Siderman, fists clenched. They stated that the elder Vignali sometimes carried a gun. However, neither employee witnessed the alleged punch in the ribs or the alleged threats. Vignali filed court declarations stating that he suspected Siderman of bilking the company, and when he confronted him an argument ensued. Vignali stated that Siderman threw himself against the wall and feigned injury. He denied making any threats. Vignali also stated he has a license to carry a gun, which he does on rare occasions when he is carrying large amounts of cash related to his businesses. The elder Vignali then filed a counter-lawsuit for slander. The entire matter was settled out of court under a confidentiality agreement, according to attorneys for Siderman and Vignali. R. Jeffery Ward, an attorney for Vignali, says he believes Siderman filed a civil action to give him leverage in a pending business dispute. “It’s like a spouse anticipating divorce, usually the woman, who files a complaint that she’s been battered,” Ward says. Reached for comment, Siderman asked for a written request for an interview. He never responded to the request submitted by the Weekly.
Despite the falling out, Siderman and Vignali once had grand plans together. In 1994, before construction began for Staples Center, Siderman was pushing a plan to bring gambling to downtown Los Angeles, according to a story in the Times’ Sunday edition on September 11, 1994. The idea that the Convention Center needed a luxury hotel to attract more visitors was not new, yet the idea of a hotel-casino surfaced briefly before falling by the wayside. Public records indicate Vignali was president of a company called Convention Center Entertainment Complex. According to the Times story, he had hired Siderman, the president of City Midland Development Company, to lobby for changes in the law that would allow for a casino. Siderman proposed a three-phase project for a “mega-center of entertainment” on property owned by Vignali, the Times reported.
Experienced real estate developers and city officials now say the plan was never taken seriously. It encompassed 345,000 square feet of property bounded by Figueroa and Flower streets and Pico and Venice boulevards — some of which Horacio Vignali still owns. Then-councilmen Mike Hernandez and Richard Alatorre were in favor of the plan. Alatorre told the Times, “Gambling is a fact of life . . . People that want to gamble are going to gamble, so why not benefit from it?”
Carlos Siderman's business partner Horatio Vignali was considered to be a major drug dealer and most likely his son Carlos Vignali's supplier.
"Federal agents for more than 20 years suspected that a wealthy Los Angeles businessman, who recruited top Southern California law enforcement officials to persuade President Clinton to free his cocaine-dealing son, was involved in drug trafficking.
Horacio Vignali gained national attention last year as the dedicated father who successfully enlisted Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca, former U.S. Atty. Alejandro Mayorkas and a host of elected officials in a longshot bid to win the early release of his son. Clinton eventually freed Carlos Vignali, who had served six years of a 15-year sentence for dealing kilos of cocaine.
A congressional inquiry into pardons and commutations granted by Clinton on his last day in office turned up confidential federal law enforcement reports containing unproven allegations that the elder Vignali also was in the cocaine business. One informant told the federal Drug Enforcement Administration that Vignali was his son's supplier."
The below article is four pages. Click next on the bottom or you will miss the important last three pages. You will see that convicted criminal George Torres of Numero Uno markets was friends, partners with Horacio Vignali. They were both named in reports about major drug dealing. Carlos Siderman must have known about Horacio Vignali's true business.
Carlos Siderman in 1994 wanted to bring gambling to downtown Los Angeles with his partner Horacio Vignali. Fortunately politicians did not approve of gambling in Los Angeles.
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Isis Preservation, Irena Hauser, conditional use permit, cup, Ventura County Planning Department, Commission, hearing, tiger, sanctuary, malibu, 11077 pacific view, california, negative declaration, commissioner, michael wesner, stephen onstot, board of supervisors,,, tigersanctuarymalibu, paul magie, nora aidukas, richard rodriguez, w. stephen onstot, steve bennett, linda parks, kathy long, peter foy, john zaragoza, peter c foy, john c zaragoza, zoning, planning, public comment, lawsuit, sophia krszek, white tiger, russian, usda 93-c-0762, tujunga, fish, wildlife, permit, license, PL13-0011, exhibit, television, movies, film, trainer, experienced
Carlos Siderman, Property ID sued for false advertising, defamation, unfair trade practices - Deer Creek Ranch Malibu
Property I.D. Sued for False Advertising, Defamation and Unfair Trade Practices. During the course of the investigations and lawsuits it is revealed that Carlos Siderman lied when he stated Property ID was formed in 1974 when it was actually formed in 1994. It was also revealed that Carlos Siderman who did not even graduate from college had been representing himself to others as a lawyer. According to sworn declarations by his son and ex-wife, it was stated that Carlos Siderman forged a fake certificate of graduation which he place on his office wall.
Thu Jan 17, 2008
Property I.D. Also Facing Charges of Malicious Prosecution Following Dismissal
of Lawsuits Against Former Employees
SANTA MONICA, Calif., Jan. 17 /PRNewswire/ -- National Disclosure
Authority (NDA), an independent hazard disclosure company, has announced that
it has filed a lawsuit ("NDA, et al, v. Property I.D., et al") against
Property I.D. (PID) for anticompetitive activities.
The Lawsuit against PID cites a number of unlawful anticompetitive activities
engaged in by PID in the marketplace. The lawsuit includes claims for unfair
and unlawful competition, trade libel, misappropriation of trade secrets,
conversion, tortious interference with prospective economic advantage, and
false advertising of its products, services, and claims regarding PID's
insurance coverage. For example, the lawsuit states that PID has falsely
advertised that each of its reports is a "$20,000,000 Insured Product."
"Throughout the proceedings, PID vigorously resisted any disclosure of its
insurance policies," said Ronald Arena, Esq., attorney for NDA. "We are
encouraged in our suit by the fact that PID has not claimed that its insurance
representations from 2002 to 2007 were true," he added. The Court recently
denied PID's motion to prevent the disclosure of its insurance policies, and
demanded that it make its insurance brokers available for deposition. The
Court also recently denied PID's attempt to have the case against it
"NDA has amassed an abundance of information regarding the anticompetitive
acts engaged in by PID," said Arena. "Moreover, we believe that NDA will
prevail on its claims against Property ID."
"Property I.D. is attempting to distract their clients from the real
issue -- their false insurance representations -- by using mud-slinging
tactics and hoping to focus attention elsewhere. No matter how many false
claims and personal attacks they make against their competitors, they cannot
escape the fact that they lied to their clients, and continue to do so," said
Sergio Siderman, founder and president of NDA.
Litigation Against Property I.D.
In early 2007, the majority of PID's management team left the Company when
they discovered a number of misrepresentations being made by PID to its
clients, including, but not limited to: the discovery that PID was only
carrying half the amount of insurance it was advertising; that company owner
Carlos Siderman falsely claimed to being an attorney while conducting legal
presentations; and that the Company was actually formed in 1994, nearly two
decades later than PID advertised.
Property I.D. filed lawsuits against many of its former employees who left
the company in 2007, in an attempt to harass and intimidate them from joining
NDA. Most of PID's lawsuits have already been dismissed.
In an unusual turn of events, reports have come in that PID has begun
harassing and threatening lawsuits against real estate brokerages who choose
to move away from PID and towards competitors. "If their desired result is to
push business our way, it's working," said Genaro Trejo, Vice President and
CFO for NDA.
In the last 24 months, PID has been sued by the U.S. Dept. of Justice for
violating anti-kickback statutes (Secretary of U.S. Dept. of Housing v.
Property I.D., et al.); by consumers in a Federal Class Action (Berger v.
Property I.D.); by Realogy Corp. in a federal case for multiple breaches of
contract (Realogy v. Property I.D.); by Coldwell Banker for sending its agents
unsolicited reports and invoices (Coldwell Banker v. Property I.D.); by Nutmeg
Insurance Company for declaratory relief (Nutmeg v. Property I.D.); and by a
real estate agent for PID's inaccurate flood determination on her property
(Blasko v. Kirk, et al).
Copies of any of the lawsuits filed against Property I.D. by the U.S.
Department of Justice, Class Action plaintiffs, Realogy, Coldwell Banker, or
NDA, can be obtained at
SOURCE National Disclosure Authority
Maria Cordova of National Disclosure Authority, 1-866-918-1966
Isis Preservation website
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Isis Preservation, Irena Hauser, conditional use permit, cup, Ventura County Planning Department, Commission, hearing, tiger, sanctuary, malibu, 11077 pacific view, california, negative declaration, commissioner, michael wesner, stephen onstot, board of supervisors,,, tigersanctuarymalibu, paul magie, nora aidukas, richard rodriguez, w. stephen onstot, steve bennett, linda parks, kathy long, peter foy, john zaragoza, peter c foy, john c zaragoza, zoning, planning, public comment, lawsuit, sophia krszek, white tiger, russian, usda 93-c-0762, tujunga, fish, wildlife, permit, license, PL13-0011, exhibit, television, movies, film, trainer, experienced
Thu Jan 17, 2008
Property I.D. Also Facing Charges of Malicious Prosecution Following Dismissal
of Lawsuits Against Former Employees
SANTA MONICA, Calif., Jan. 17 /PRNewswire/ -- National Disclosure
Authority (NDA), an independent hazard disclosure company, has announced that
it has filed a lawsuit ("NDA, et al, v. Property I.D., et al") against
Property I.D. (PID) for anticompetitive activities.
The Lawsuit against PID cites a number of unlawful anticompetitive activities
engaged in by PID in the marketplace. The lawsuit includes claims for unfair
and unlawful competition, trade libel, misappropriation of trade secrets,
conversion, tortious interference with prospective economic advantage, and
false advertising of its products, services, and claims regarding PID's
insurance coverage. For example, the lawsuit states that PID has falsely
advertised that each of its reports is a "$20,000,000 Insured Product."
"Throughout the proceedings, PID vigorously resisted any disclosure of its
insurance policies," said Ronald Arena, Esq., attorney for NDA. "We are
encouraged in our suit by the fact that PID has not claimed that its insurance
representations from 2002 to 2007 were true," he added. The Court recently
denied PID's motion to prevent the disclosure of its insurance policies, and
demanded that it make its insurance brokers available for deposition. The
Court also recently denied PID's attempt to have the case against it
"NDA has amassed an abundance of information regarding the anticompetitive
acts engaged in by PID," said Arena. "Moreover, we believe that NDA will
prevail on its claims against Property ID."
"Property I.D. is attempting to distract their clients from the real
issue -- their false insurance representations -- by using mud-slinging
tactics and hoping to focus attention elsewhere. No matter how many false
claims and personal attacks they make against their competitors, they cannot
escape the fact that they lied to their clients, and continue to do so," said
Sergio Siderman, founder and president of NDA.
Litigation Against Property I.D.
In early 2007, the majority of PID's management team left the Company when
they discovered a number of misrepresentations being made by PID to its
clients, including, but not limited to: the discovery that PID was only
carrying half the amount of insurance it was advertising; that company owner
Carlos Siderman falsely claimed to being an attorney while conducting legal
presentations; and that the Company was actually formed in 1994, nearly two
decades later than PID advertised.
Property I.D. filed lawsuits against many of its former employees who left
the company in 2007, in an attempt to harass and intimidate them from joining
NDA. Most of PID's lawsuits have already been dismissed.
In an unusual turn of events, reports have come in that PID has begun
harassing and threatening lawsuits against real estate brokerages who choose
to move away from PID and towards competitors. "If their desired result is to
push business our way, it's working," said Genaro Trejo, Vice President and
CFO for NDA.
In the last 24 months, PID has been sued by the U.S. Dept. of Justice for
violating anti-kickback statutes (Secretary of U.S. Dept. of Housing v.
Property I.D., et al.); by consumers in a Federal Class Action (Berger v.
Property I.D.); by Realogy Corp. in a federal case for multiple breaches of
contract (Realogy v. Property I.D.); by Coldwell Banker for sending its agents
unsolicited reports and invoices (Coldwell Banker v. Property I.D.); by Nutmeg
Insurance Company for declaratory relief (Nutmeg v. Property I.D.); and by a
real estate agent for PID's inaccurate flood determination on her property
(Blasko v. Kirk, et al).
Copies of any of the lawsuits filed against Property I.D. by the U.S.
Department of Justice, Class Action plaintiffs, Realogy, Coldwell Banker, or
NDA, can be obtained at
SOURCE National Disclosure Authority
Maria Cordova of National Disclosure Authority, 1-866-918-1966
Isis Preservation website
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Tiger Sanctuary Malibu Twitter
Isis Preservation, Irena Hauser, conditional use permit, cup, Ventura County Planning Department, Commission, hearing, tiger, sanctuary, malibu, 11077 pacific view, california, negative declaration, commissioner, michael wesner, stephen onstot, board of supervisors,,, tigersanctuarymalibu, paul magie, nora aidukas, richard rodriguez, w. stephen onstot, steve bennett, linda parks, kathy long, peter foy, john zaragoza, peter c foy, john c zaragoza, zoning, planning, public comment, lawsuit, sophia krszek, white tiger, russian, usda 93-c-0762, tujunga, fish, wildlife, permit, license, PL13-0011, exhibit, television, movies, film, trainer, experienced
Carlos Siderman, Property ID sued by HUD for illegal kick backs,
Carlos Siderman and his company Property ID sued by the Housing Urban Development dept and the Department of Justice for violations of Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 ("RESPA"). Carlos Siderman was found guilty of giving illegal kick backs in real estate transactions. HUD forced Carlos Siderman to pay a $7.5M fine which is disgorgement of ill gotten gains.
"WHEREAS, RESPA § 2607(a) prohibits the giving or accepting of any fee,
kickback, or thing of value pursuant to any agreement or understanding, oral or
otherwise, that business incident to or part of a real estate settlement service
involving a federally related mortgage loan shall be referred to any person, and
§ 2607(b) prohibits the giving or accepting of any portion, split, or percentage of
any charge made or received for the rendering of a real estate settlement service
involving a federally related mortgage loan other than for services actually
"WHEREAS, Property I.D. has agreed to pay $7,500,000, which will be
allocated among the three Berger settlement classes described above and which
will be available to pay Property I.D.’s NHDS report customers (hereinafter the
"Class Settlement")."
Full settlement agreement is below. Carlos Siderman, Property ID were sued in a class action by people who had bought their hazard information.
Isis Preservation website
Tiger Sanctuary Malibu YouTube channel
Tiger Sanctuary Malibu blog
Tiger Sanctuary Malibu Twitter
Isis Preservation, Irena Hauser, conditional use permit, cup, Ventura County Planning Department, Commission, hearing, tiger, sanctuary, malibu, 11077 pacific view, california, negative declaration, commissioner, michael wesner, stephen onstot, board of supervisors,,, tigersanctuarymalibu, paul magie, nora aidukas, richard rodriguez, w. stephen onstot, steve bennett, linda parks, kathy long, peter foy, john zaragoza, peter c foy, john c zaragoza, zoning, planning, public comment, lawsuit, sophia krszek, white tiger, russian, usda 93-c-0762, tujunga, fish, wildlife, permit, license, PL13-0011, exhibit, television, movies, film, trainer, experienced
"WHEREAS, RESPA § 2607(a) prohibits the giving or accepting of any fee,
kickback, or thing of value pursuant to any agreement or understanding, oral or
otherwise, that business incident to or part of a real estate settlement service
involving a federally related mortgage loan shall be referred to any person, and
§ 2607(b) prohibits the giving or accepting of any portion, split, or percentage of
any charge made or received for the rendering of a real estate settlement service
involving a federally related mortgage loan other than for services actually
"WHEREAS, Property I.D. has agreed to pay $7,500,000, which will be
allocated among the three Berger settlement classes described above and which
will be available to pay Property I.D.’s NHDS report customers (hereinafter the
"Class Settlement")."
Full settlement agreement is below. Carlos Siderman, Property ID were sued in a class action by people who had bought their hazard information.
Isis Preservation website
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Tiger Sanctuary Malibu blog
Tiger Sanctuary Malibu Twitter
Isis Preservation, Irena Hauser, conditional use permit, cup, Ventura County Planning Department, Commission, hearing, tiger, sanctuary, malibu, 11077 pacific view, california, negative declaration, commissioner, michael wesner, stephen onstot, board of supervisors,,, tigersanctuarymalibu, paul magie, nora aidukas, richard rodriguez, w. stephen onstot, steve bennett, linda parks, kathy long, peter foy, john zaragoza, peter c foy, john c zaragoza, zoning, planning, public comment, lawsuit, sophia krszek, white tiger, russian, usda 93-c-0762, tujunga, fish, wildlife, permit, license, PL13-0011, exhibit, television, movies, film, trainer, experienced
Complaints filed by multiple people against Carlos Siderman at 10999 Pacific View for illegal business, destroying oaks, bulldozing creek, illegal signs
Through the results of state information requests we have gotten a hold of complaints and lawsuits against Carlos Siderman. Carlos Siderman is behind the drive to harass the Hausers off their land so Siderman may buy the property. Carlos Siderman wants to ride his horses from his property into the state park land off trail. The only thing in his way is 11077 Pacific View. Below data taken from public reports.
1. The owner of the property lists the address as 10999 Pacific View but it is legally 10995 Pacific View. It is next door to 11077 Pacific View. Attached please find copies of their websites, Facebook ages, corporation information, photos which prove that they have run this business since 2005. No one lives on the property. The corporation number is C3480158 and was formed 06/14/2012. See attached. They take clients on their horses on their property to the Serrano Rd trail. There is a lot of traffic on the weekends with many cars. They built a parking lot but don't have handicap parking. Their trucks have the name of their business written on them with their logo.
2. Attached please find photos of the grading, dirt removal, brush removal and oak tree cutting. Someone already sent in a complaint late 2013 (CV13-0505) about this which Manny Ramos is investigating. Previously there was a lawsuit concerning this creek and property. See attached. It was determined by the courts to be a protected creek with protect dirt, shrubs and oak trees. The court stated that no one may touch or pass over the creek. I inspected and photographed this March 15, 2014. There are hoof prints going from 10995 Pacific View over 11077 Pacific View and into the California state park. The people at 11077 Pacific View do not own any horses. Currently Bing, Google and Mapquest satellite images show the before photo of the creek. This was done in late 2013.
3. Attached please find photos of the illegal signs which I took March 20, 2014. They are 4' x 8' and 6' x 10' permanent wooden signs that are free standing or attached to walls and gates. Two large signs are attached to the front of 10995 Pacific View. They can be seen when driving to 11077 Pacific View. They have been there for many months and were featured in newspapers and all over the internet. They have no permit, the signs are unsafe, they have no zoning variance to place these signs. This is coastal scenic land. The signs are an eyesore. Some are on the public street.
Full complaint is 5 MB.
Isis Preservation website
Tiger Sanctuary Malibu YouTube channel
Tiger Sanctuary Malibu blog
Tiger Sanctuary Malibu Twitter
Isis Preservation, Irena Hauser, conditional use permit, cup, Ventura County Planning Department, Commission, hearing, tiger, sanctuary, malibu, 11077 pacific view, california, negative declaration, commissioner, michael wesner, stephen onstot, board of supervisors,,, tigersanctuarymalibu, paul magie, nora aidukas, richard rodriguez, w. stephen onstot, steve bennett, linda parks, kathy long, peter foy, john zaragoza, peter c foy, john c zaragoza, zoning, planning, public comment, lawsuit, sophia krszek, white tiger, russian, usda 93-c-0762, tujunga, fish, wildlife, permit, license, PL13-0011, exhibit, television, movies, film, trainer, experienced
1. The owner of the property lists the address as 10999 Pacific View but it is legally 10995 Pacific View. It is next door to 11077 Pacific View. Attached please find copies of their websites, Facebook ages, corporation information, photos which prove that they have run this business since 2005. No one lives on the property. The corporation number is C3480158 and was formed 06/14/2012. See attached. They take clients on their horses on their property to the Serrano Rd trail. There is a lot of traffic on the weekends with many cars. They built a parking lot but don't have handicap parking. Their trucks have the name of their business written on them with their logo.
2. Attached please find photos of the grading, dirt removal, brush removal and oak tree cutting. Someone already sent in a complaint late 2013 (CV13-0505) about this which Manny Ramos is investigating. Previously there was a lawsuit concerning this creek and property. See attached. It was determined by the courts to be a protected creek with protect dirt, shrubs and oak trees. The court stated that no one may touch or pass over the creek. I inspected and photographed this March 15, 2014. There are hoof prints going from 10995 Pacific View over 11077 Pacific View and into the California state park. The people at 11077 Pacific View do not own any horses. Currently Bing, Google and Mapquest satellite images show the before photo of the creek. This was done in late 2013.
3. Attached please find photos of the illegal signs which I took March 20, 2014. They are 4' x 8' and 6' x 10' permanent wooden signs that are free standing or attached to walls and gates. Two large signs are attached to the front of 10995 Pacific View. They can be seen when driving to 11077 Pacific View. They have been there for many months and were featured in newspapers and all over the internet. They have no permit, the signs are unsafe, they have no zoning variance to place these signs. This is coastal scenic land. The signs are an eyesore. Some are on the public street.
Full complaint is 5 MB.
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Carlos Siderman of Deer Creek Ranch Malibu riding off trail in the Santa Monica mountains in a coastal zone after the fires |
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Carlos Siderman, Property ID, complaint, Deer Creek Ranch Malibu, illegal business, creek, oak trees destroyed |
Isis Preservation website
Tiger Sanctuary Malibu YouTube channel
Tiger Sanctuary Malibu blog
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Isis Preservation, Irena Hauser, conditional use permit, cup, Ventura County Planning Department, Commission, hearing, tiger, sanctuary, malibu, 11077 pacific view, california, negative declaration, commissioner, michael wesner, stephen onstot, board of supervisors,,, tigersanctuarymalibu, paul magie, nora aidukas, richard rodriguez, w. stephen onstot, steve bennett, linda parks, kathy long, peter foy, john zaragoza, peter c foy, john c zaragoza, zoning, planning, public comment, lawsuit, sophia krszek, white tiger, russian, usda 93-c-0762, tujunga, fish, wildlife, permit, license, PL13-0011, exhibit, television, movies, film, trainer, experienced
carlos siderman,
coastal zone,
conditional use permit,
lisa siderman,
nora aidukas,
oak tree,
pacific view,
saddle creek ranch malibu,
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